Monday, July 6, 2020

Today's shot July 6th, 2020

I'm in a rush, so here's today's shot.  


Things are going to seed, aging, drying up.  But check out this area.  I need to identify the types of plants in each section, but I have noticed that on the left are more weedy types of grass, so like, early successional grasses and annual, true weeds.  On the right are some later successional grasses (wheat, barley), and some stronger weeds like the prickly lettuce and some better flowering "weeds".  Why are the right ones greener?  The left ones are in the divit that usually has more water available in the ground.  And we've recently had a nice rain.  I know the stuff on the left is gone to seed, but so has a lot of stuff on the right.  I'm starting to think that the right is greener because of:
  • More diversity of species.
  • Later successional plants.
  • No big patches with the same species.
I bet I could slash a small patch and grow some veg, and they'd come up well.  Maybe I should do that.  I'll do a slash-mulch in both spots and throw my tomatos and tomatillos in there and see how they fare.

And as a bonus, here's a little guy I found in the kitchen.  iNaturalist says it's a bold jumping spider.  He was SO CUTE!! 

 He had a total little personality, just like this guy.

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