Thursday, May 21, 2020

Cool ideas from one of the many videos on YouTube

OMG OMGOMG OMG!  I just watched the following video, and it was SO packed with inspiring ideas!

And now I see they have a Q&A video too!  I need to watch this!

For now, I need to remember these ideas:
- Having a goat run!  Maybe around the food forest.  And right by the fence that will surround the food forest and separate it from the goats, grow herbs and good stuff for the goats that will come through the fence.  What a great way to protect your plants from goats.  I could even split the run into two to allow half to recover and re-vegetate.
- Oooh!  Could do that for chickens too!  Or have chicken runs go through the annual beds.
- Terraces should slow down the water that moves downhill.  I also like their "silt traps".
- OMG, the pizza oven!!  I'd love to have it pump heat through a cement lounger too.  Maybe have a sauna attached.
- Speaking of goats, I looked up combo fiber and milk goats, and read about nigora goats.  I joined the enthusiast group on Facebook.
- Speaking of growing forage plants through a fence, I still want a thorny, stock-proof hedge on our north side.  I'll keep it a couple feet away from the neighbor's fence, and grow horse herbs in that space.
- The IBC tanks that were cut in half to create raised beds, complete with water reservoir below with a wicking system, and an integrated worm farm, and integrated trellis... OMG!  Want!
- I love how they developed multi-level canopy in an inter-cropped way, in order to prep for delicate plants (ginger).

I know there was more... I'll have to watch it again.

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