Wednesday, April 15, 2020

A tale of Asperagus and Rhubarb

Our mom & pop hardware store has amazing deals on plants in spring!!  I got 20 asparagus crowns of two different varieties for $1.50 each.  That's a lot of asparagus to plant.  I also went crazy and got 6 crowns of Victoria rhubarb.  More work than my achy body looks forward to.
They sat in the garage in some coconut coir for I think more than a week.  I misted them every once in a while.  Rhubarb seems not to do well in my yard, but who cares.  I'll give it a go.
Well, roots started forming long before it was safe to plant them out, so I panicked and decided I couldn't wait, and I could protect them with mulch and leave the tall grass around them.
I chose spots in the food forest area, and I figured I'd put down some compost, lay out the rhubarb and asparagus, sprinkle with mycorrhizal fungi, cover with more compost, and protect with wood chips.  
Well, I got done on the west (left) half of the mirrored food forest.  I ran out of steam before the right (east) side--I omitted the fungi and the wood chips.  That was March 5th, 2020.

When I finally got around to checking them, it was March 29th.  I saw that some asparagus on the right (east) were dug up.  Damn animals!

Then I saw that some were just sitting on top of the compost.  WTF?

OH!  The penny dropped.  We had had a lot of rain.  So I hopped over to the left (west ) row.  No asparagus was exposed!  The wood chips had protected them.

So I hurried to re-plant them with more compost and top them with wood chips.  I forgot to use the mycorrhizal fungi again.  I'll just have to water them with the soluble version of the fungi.  Yeah.  Add that to the long long to-do list. 

Yesterday I checked them again (April 15th, 2020).  They're covered.  I saw one tiny shoot.  The grass is encroaching and the buttercup is coming up underneath.  If I had time, I'd pull them all out, weed whack to the ground, cover the ground with cardboard, then lay out compost, asparagus and rhubarb, sprinkle with fungi, cover with compost and wood chips.
I think I'll just weed whack around them and use the cut greens to mulch them.  I've got too many other things to plant.

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