Wednesday, April 15, 2020

A day of work

Yesterday, I did a tonne of work.  I want to write it all out so that if I ever get down about body aches are making me wanna stop, I'll be able to read this and know that I can actually accomplish a lot in one good day, so it's ok if I slump a few days.
These photos are out of order.

I discovered one of my raspberry bushes had been covered in dirt by fucking mole activity.  I hate them so much.  I won't kill them, though.  I guess I'll have to plant daffodils around every fracking plant I care about.  This pic is from after I uncovered enough leaves to photosynthesize.  I'll have to check on it again.  After uncovering it, I watered it with EM-1.

Er ma gerd!!  Little radishes!!!  I only planted these a few weeks ago.  Charles Dowding was right about them!  I'm gonna taste a couple.  I didn't plant many, but seeing them makes me want to plant 10 times as many next year.  If I like them, I'll leave a few to go to seed.  I think they aren't GMO (and thus not engineered to produce no seeds or infertile seeds).

The peas are doing well.  The bush beans didn't come up yet.  I'm going to keep the covering off anyway.

Whoa!  A stronger looking leaf than my indoor miner's lettuce.

Here's the thornless blackberry at the end of the top bed.  I thought there were grass sprigs emerging.  I almost picked them out.  But nope!
They're sprouting garlic!

And here's why I'm removing the fleece now.  Look what the fleece does to potatoes.  Actually, this happened to my potatoes last year too.  Is it that moisture was touching the leaves--wet fleece here, and wet weed leaves last year.  I'll have to suss this out.
Every single potato is affected.

I brought the orange tree out from my office.  There's an orange!!  I have plans for this puppy.  I'm going to pick the warmest area and plant tropical stuff that I can protect with a greenhouse later.

I brought out the EM-1, read up on it, and then set up a brew that I can use in a week.  Then I made up enough to fill my 5-gallon backpack sprayer 3 times and watered all of the stuff I photographed above.  I also watered up the entire trunks of the damaged fruit trees to get some good bacteria on the wounds.

I watered these.  They need it every 2 days now.  Look at them!  I need to plant them out ASAP.  Now that I know brassicas, kale, khols, mustards, and beets need to have bacteria-dominated soil (in their own bed), I've earmarked a dedicated bed for them.  I'll interplant some of these with the potatoes outside.  Next year, I want to buy styrofoam floating trays.  It's been a hassle to climb up on things, slide the trays off, and water them.  Floating trays mean constant access to water for days at a time.  I also want to rig up a pulley system to drop my skylight shelves.

Here are my nightshades!  WOW!  Another thing I learned is that the city compost dries out faster than the horse manure mix.  I caught them in time, though.  

Need to repot these soon.  I found out from a friend that you should repot when lots of roots come out the bottom.

I know I did more.  I can't remember what.  I made a trip to the hardware store again and got a couple starts.  My neighbor gave me a great 4-tire cart, and I want to repay her by planting a mini-bed just for her, on the other side of the house because she's so allergic to tomato plants she can't even get close to them (or presumably eat off of a plant that might have had tomato pollen blow onto it).
OH!  I think I sorted seed for my next batch of planting in trays and outside.

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