Thursday, March 12, 2020

Sown: Beets, Brassicas, Micro-Tomatoes

March 12th:  Well, I missed the full moon by 3 days.  We'll see how these do.
I put them above the sink.  
These are sown in composted mustang manure from Catherine's.  I sprinkled mychorrhizals in with the seeds.
So, I know planting by moon phases is one theory.  There's also how close the moon is to our position on the earth.  Gotta look that up.

March 20th:  Wow!!  The biggest sprout is a... mushroom!!  But seriously, the sprouts are pretty uniform.  The water in the collection tray reeks!!  I rinsed it out, watered the cells, and left the dome on for another day.

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