Friday, March 20, 2020

Seed Comparison: Peppers and Eggplant

Hmm.  Sown on 3/6 (the 6-cell closest to the orange tags), 3/12, and today (3/20).
The Renee's Garden seed is the best, and it's a year old.  The Burbee is doing the poorest.  Nothing from the Burpee hot pepper mix.  
Caveat, I don't know which end gets the most heat/sun in the bathroom skylight.  Should've made note of that.  The biggest sprout is corkscrewed so I've probably rotated the tray.

Thursday, March 12, 2020

Sown: My First Flat

On 3/6/2020, I filled a flat of many many small cells, mostly with super small seeds.  I've never done this before, and boy, did I make a mistake.  I must've put too many seeds in.  
What do I do?  I need to look up when it's safe to "prick them out" and repot them.  The row of peas has one shoot coming out, and a ton of spilled seeds.  :)  
I think I'll fill the other tiny-cell tray with the composted horse manure and try this again with the same seeds.  I've kept them sorted into the sets that I've planted, including the peas and beans I sowed outside.

Sown: Peppers and Eggplant

In the top-floor bathroom skylight, the temperature gets pretty high.  If the sun is out, it can get above 90 degrees F.

On 3/8/2020, I sowed seeds in one 6-block for each of the seeds, and then again today in the second 6-block (3/12/2020).  
On 3/10, I pulled them down to check on the moisture, and my hand slipped.  This is after half of the mess was cleaned up.  :(
I really need to make my pulley system.

I'm worried about the compost I'm using from Bailey's (less than 2 miles away).  They double-ferment and double-screen it.  It should be top-quality stuff.  But there are so few worms.  And look at the tar-like substance that's left on your fingers after messing with it.  What is that?!?
Here's how they look on 3/20.  Not so good.  
Gonna get some more Renee's pepper seed if I can.

Sown: Beets, Brassicas, Micro-Tomatoes

March 12th:  Well, I missed the full moon by 3 days.  We'll see how these do.
I put them above the sink.  
These are sown in composted mustang manure from Catherine's.  I sprinkled mychorrhizals in with the seeds.
So, I know planting by moon phases is one theory.  There's also how close the moon is to our position on the earth.  Gotta look that up.

March 20th:  Wow!!  The biggest sprout is a... mushroom!!  But seriously, the sprouts are pretty uniform.  The water in the collection tray reeks!!  I rinsed it out, watered the cells, and left the dome on for another day.

Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Work log: Terraces and first annual bed

Too worn out to type much.  Our lawn guy helped me with the beds and terraces.  He's got the endurance of Superman.  Looking good!  Gonna sow something soon.
Update: April 2nd.
Finally all the wood is placed!!  Does it not look wayyy better?!  
Next, I need to lay the cardboard and fill in the next row of planting beds.  
Also, I want to come up with a solution to the slug-attracting problem of exposed wood.  Spraying nematodes might work, but I think I want to cover them with burlap or a thick layer of coir so I can sow ground cover into it.