Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Can you rescue a dried out sunchoke?

Remember that concussion I got?  (Yeah, me neither.)  And the plant swap that I had attended the morning of, which I couldn't remember attending?  I found the cloth bag of 3 sunchokes.  They were dried out ans wrinkly.  :(  Turns out you're not supposed tolet them dry out.
So, as an experiment, I stuck them in a bag with sphagnum moss amd squirted it all with water and water-soluble mycorrhizal fungi, and we'll see.  It's too early to plant them yet.  I hope they plump up and survive.  I'll report back here.
Since I was at it, I took the package of fuseau sunchokes I got recently, threw some moss in, and sprayed them a little.  They were all already sprouting, dangit!  Not sure what to do.  I probably shouldn't have touched them.  :(  Oooh!  I'll plant them out and put little greenhouses over them!!

Update: 2 days later, they're almost fully plumped up!!  I can't believe it!  Gonna plant them out with the fuseau tomorrow.

Update: 1 day later, they molded.  Man, I should've taken them out and planted them yesterday.  They still felt like there was some plumping left to do, so I guess there was no way I could've known.  Meh.  Turns out these guys were fuseau (not the white ones) and I have a whole package of fuseau, so I'm not crushed.  And it's new information to add to my mind library.

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