Sunday, November 29, 2020

Journal of today's work in the garden -- Nov. 29th, 2020

Yesterday I had endless energy, off of two servings of my protein powder (breakfast and lunch).  Yeah, I had a massive supper full of sugar and wheat, but I didn't feel the effects until early in the morning (had a bad sleep, then kept waking up every 30-60 minutes after about 4am).

Today, I decided to try bulletproof coffee, on an empty stomach.  Wow.  I've had an acidic, scraped feeling in my whole abdomen all day.  I had a massive late meal (3pm), and I tried to garden after that, but I was breathless and couldn't make it pushing the wheel barrow up the hill without stopping multiple times.  WTF?  I can't believe the difference.

Anyhoo, here's todays work.  Not gonna bother with the extra steps of getting the larger pictures in place.

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