Monday, May 18, 2020

Notes on potatoes

Note to self: Next year, dig trenches for your potatoes because look how much they have to be hilled up.  They're requiring so much soil that the level needs to be above the retaining wood!  May 18th.

In fact, I hilled-up a few last week, and that seems to have spurned them on, to grow even more by today.

Here's how they looked on April 30th (18 days ago).

Keep the dug out soil near the trench for easy backfilling and cover it with something to prevent weeds from making it hard to break up.  Or use clover.  Yeah.  Potatoes love nitrogen so use clover seed on the backfill soil.

Remember, though, that trenches will be cold traps.  Maybe put a cold air barrier on the uphill side of the potato bed, or just wait until the end of April to plant.

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