Sunday, January 19, 2020

Das Poop!

Aww.  My poor helper is such a good sport.  We dumped one load of raw horse manure today, and then loaded up and dumped a bunch of composted poop.  And he absolutely hates poop.  Passionately!
We found a way to being it in without driving on the soil and making ruts (and getting my truck stuck in the ditch).  It's more laborious, but more precise.
I did decide today to re-lay my terraces so that I could drive along each row to deliver das poop more conveniently.  Sigh.  I mean, look at this mess.
By the end of 5 hours, I came in, showered, flopped on the bed, and haven't moved since.  :)  At this point, why would I.

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