Saturday, October 6, 2018

Dead spot is not so dead anymore

For all four+ years that we've lived here, there's a roughly-circular shape in the lawn where nothing grows--not even weeds.  The previous owners won't say what caused it.  They just told us to sprinkle grass seed on it every few months.

It's been there since before we bought the house.

Here's the Google enhanced-satellite version, from around the same time period:

After two weekends of spraying with JADAM microbial solution (JMS), look what's happening.

I know--correlation is not causation.  Anyhoo, I'll update this post over time with newer pictures.

December 17th, 2018

And that day is today!  Check out how lush the spot is.  It's more weed-free and lush with grass than any other part of the yard, and we're 2 months on from when I last posted.  

I've emailed the previous house owner to beg him to let me know what happened on that spot.  The idea that JMS might be a bioremediation method for whatever caused this dead spot is super exciting to me!

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