Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Today's shots, plus, I'm stalled

After raining about 1/3 of the days since the last pic.

I'm stalled.  I don't know what to do.  My body hurts too much to do the hard labor anymore.  But I don't want to spend $800 renting a backhoe for a week.  We have other expenses due that benefit the whole family.  

I know that the driveable path and soil fertility needs to be top priority rigjt now.  My plants suffered due to a shitty, bacteria-only foodweb.  I'm having trouble making compost with a good foodweb, and my soil in imundated with oomycetes, including some that exude a residue that makes soil particles hydrophobic.  The temps are getting colder, so... do I bother with predatiry nematodes right now or wait?  BAH!!!